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Metformin Class Action


The law firms of Charney Lawyers PC and Rice Harbut Elliott LLP have commenced a national class action on behalf of all persons resident in Canada who ingested and/or were prescribed and/or purchased one or more contaminated Metformin products on the recall list set out below.

For more information about registering with the law firm to receive updates on the class actions and to help us collect information for use in the class actions, please click here.

We recommend that you do not throw away any leftover Metformin pills. If possible, store them in a safe place for potential testing and proof of purchase.

Health Canada detects NDMA in Metformin products

An impurity, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), has been detected in some Metformin products for sale in Canada. NDMA is a potential human carcinogen, which means that it could cause cancer with long-term exposure.

The active pharmaceutical ingredient Metformin is indicated for the treatment of high blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. Metformin products are available in Canada by prescription.

On December 5, 2019, Health Canada issued a product information update advising that they are evaluating the presence of NDMA in some Metformin drugs.

A further Health Canada report on February 5, 2020, advised that Apotex Inc., one of the leading manufacturers of Metformin, was recalling certain lots of the diabetes medication APO-Metformin ER (extended release) 500mg tablets.

A further Health Canada report on February 26, 2020, advised that Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. was recalling six lots of its prescription RAN-Metformin drug from the Canadian market. Company testing identified two lots (#AJY8006A and #AJY8007A) with levels of NDMA above what is considered acceptable if the drug were to be taken over a lifetime. Health Canada also stated that Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. was recalling an additional four lots (#AJY8005A, #AJY8005B, #AJY8008A and #AJZ8005A) as a precautionary measure because they contain NDMA close to the acceptable limit.

A further Health Canada report on March 11, 2020, advised that JAMP Pharma Corporation was voluntarily recalling all 26 lots of its prescription Metformin drug from the Canadian market (Metformin DIN 02380196 [500mg] and Metformin DIN 02380218 [850mg]) as a precautionary measure. Although NDMA test results were not available for this product; the recall has been initiated because of the potential presence of nitrosamine impurities in the finished product.

A further Health Canada report on June 12, 2020, advised that Apotex Inc. was voluntarily recalling 9 lots of its prescription Metformin drug from the Canadian market (Metformin DIN 02305062 [500mg]) because lot PY7174 contained NDMA that increased over time to a level above the acceptable limit. As a precautionary measure, Apotex Inc. is recalling the eight other lots because levels of NDMA in those products may increase over time.


Recalls and safety alerts from Health Canada

Health Canada evaluating NDMA in metformin drugs, Health Canada, (updated December 5, 2019)

APO-Metformin (2020-02-04), Health Canada (updated February 4, 2020)

Ranbaxy Metformin Product Recall (2020-02-26), Health Canada (updated February 27, 2020)

Certain Metformin diabetes drugs recalled due to the presence or possible presence of NDMA, Health Canada (updated June 13, 2020)"

Jamp-Metformin Product Recall (2020-03-10), Health Canada (updated March 12, 2020)

APO-Metformin (2020-06-12), Health Canada (updated June 13, 2020)

Health Canada’s list of Metformin products being recalled in Canada at this time:

(Copied directly from Health Canada’s website)

CompanyProduct Name/Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)DINStrengthLotExpiry
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgNV324204/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgNV324404/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgNV324504/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgNV324304/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgNV324704/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgNV324804/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPX533401/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPX533501/2021
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc..RAN-Metformin02269031500mgAJY8006A05/2020
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.RAN-Metformin02269031500mgAJY8007A05/2020
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.RAN-Metformin02269031500mgAJY8005A05/2020
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.RAN-Metformin 02269031500mgAJY8005B05/2020
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.RAN-Metformin02269031500mgAJY8008A05/2020
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.RAN-Metformin02269031850mgAJZ8005A05/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgX2028311/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgX2028411/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgX2028611/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgX2028711/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgX2028811/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0022512/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0022612/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0022712/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0022801/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0022901/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0023001/2021
JAMP Pharma
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0023205/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157305/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157405/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157505/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157605/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157705/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157805/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0157906/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380196500mgY0158006/2021
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380218850mgX2038507/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380218850mgX2038607/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380218850mgX1922410/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380218850mgX1922510/2020
JAMP PharmaMetformin02380218850mgX1922610/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPK396809/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPK396909/2020
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPX533601/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPY717402/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgPY717501/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgRF646306/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgRF646406/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgRF646506/2021
Apotex Inc.APO-Metformin ER (Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets)02305062500mgRF646606/2021


The site is not designed to answer questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as a substitute for individual legal advice.

The information collected about potential class members will assist counsel in prosecuting the class action and assessing what damages were suffered by the class as a whole. Providing the information requested does not make you the client of Charney Lawyers. The court will ultimately decide who will be included as a class member.

This website will be updated from time to time to provide potential class members with information as it becomes available.